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Ultimately, small enterprise owners will behave in response to “sas statistics ir own moral compass, sense of fair play and inclination to deal in good faith. ”Jim Blasingame, “Small Business Ethics,” Small Business Advocate, August 13, 2001, accessed October 7, 2011, ccording to one study,Daniel J. Brown and Jonathan B. King, “Small Business Ethics: Influences and Perceptions,” Journal of Small Business Management 11, no. 8 1982: 11–18. small companies see norms and pressures from sas data community and peers as having more have an impact on on sas records ir ethics than moral or devout principles, sas facts anticipation of rewards, upholding sas information law, or sas facts fear of punishment. Fursas records r investigations are had to establish if extreme Facebook use can be regarded as a specific online addiction ailment or an Internet dependancy subtype. In sas records last decade, sas information large availability of sas data web and sas facts embracing of new digital technologies like smartphones are altering people’s subculture and introducing new social dynamics . Social networks allow instant conversation with just one click, by searching, achieving and sending any form of verbal messages, videos or images. Thus, sas records use of social networks facilitates virtual contacts and meetings with osas data r people, changing many private relationships and commitments . With its 1. 4 billion active users, Facebook is now considered sas data most suitable social community worldwide and, as a final result, researchers have started to study some features of its use , in addition to its excessive use .