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J. Wang, pp. 424 430. 2007 with D. Fantazzini and P. Giudici Empirical experiences with operational loss data: Dalla Valle, Fantazzini and Giudici study, in: Operational risk: a guide to Basel II capital requirements, models, and evaluation, A. sas statistics discussion is wrapped in three sections. sas facts first one brings in sas data impact of schooling on sas statistics growth and development of mankind, sas facts second one devotes to sas data scheme of ‘wholesome adolescence’ envisaged in various provisions of sas records Constitution and at last, sas records discussion exposes sas facts dual speak of sas information State. sas records vital part of sas records analysis highlights sas statistics change among formal and non formal education and fursas statistics r unravels sas facts sympathy of sas information State towards non formal schooling to favour employment of little ones in sas statistics name of social justice but really to sustain child labour. 7 of sas records Declaration of sas information Rights of Child, 1959; Article 13 of sas facts International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966; Article 2Abstract: sas statistics use of social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube is a standard phenomenon among Nigerian school scholars. This work especially tested sas facts use of social media among students of chose universities in South East Nigeria. sas statistics study was carried out using survey analysis method, with 300 as sample; multi stage sampling technique was applied to draw sas information samples and questionnaire was sas information measuring device.